Compassion is the Key to eternal bliss



Third part of Attanga Yoga is believed to be ‘Aasana’. Yogasana streamlines the physical health but it also helps to provoke the Kundalini Sakthi. It imbibes the body and mind with the soul, to purify the mental activities. Aasana removes the negative thoughts in an individual and makes them invade consistently in positive thoughts. Aasana is restricted not only to Saints, even Individuals who lead family life can also nurture these benefits. It also helps individual to achieve fulfillment in their life.

Aasanas are of various types. Of which, Surya Namaskar is a combination of 12 Aasana in a cycle. Diseases such as Diabetes, Kidney stones can be cured though Aasanas.

Surya Namaskar

There are 12 stages in Surya Namaskar. All these stages will provide freshness to the mind and body.

Step 1: Pranamasana

Keep your feet together and distribute your weight on both feet equally. Exhale and bring your palms together in a prayer position in front of your chest.

Step 2: Hastauttanasana

Breath in and lift your arms up and back.Make sure that your biceps are close to your ears.

Step 3: Hasta Padasana

Breathing out and bend forward from your waist while keeping your spine straight.Exhale and completely bring your hands down to the floor beside your feet

Step 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Breath in and push your right leg as far back as possible.Bring your right knee to the floor and slowly look up.

Step 5: Dandasana

Breath in and take your left leg back. Bring your whole body in a straight line.

Step 6: Ashtanga Namaskara

Gradually bring your knees down to the floor then exhale. Relax your chest and chin on the ground. Elevate your posterior a little bit.

Step 7: Bhujangasana

Slide forward and raise your chest up into the Cobra pose. Keep your elbows bent and fixed in this pose. Keep your shoulders away from your ears.

Step 8: Parvatasana

Breath out and lift your hips as well as your tail bone up. Put your chest downwards to create an inverted V pose.

Step 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Breath in and bring your right foot forward in between the two hands. Bring your left knee down to the ground. Press your hips down then look up.

Step 10: Hasta Padasana

Breath out and bring your left foot forward. Keep your palms on the ground.

Step 11: Hastauttanasana

Breath in and roll your spine up, Make your hands go up and bend backwards a little bit

Step 12: Tadasana

Exhale and first straighten your body. Bring your arms down.



One has to sit in Vajrasana position. Take both hands to the back and hold the right wrist with left hand. Start to exhale the air and bend to take the forehead forward as shown in the figure for 10 seconds. Then lift the body up by inhaling the air. It is good to practice this aasana for 2-3 times a day


It strengthens Spinal muscles and Bones. Spleen and Pancreas get pressed and performs well. It removes Constipation, Diabetes, Indigestion. Lungs becomes fresh and it’s a good aasana to reduce belly.

Yoga Mudrasanam


To perform this aasana, one has to sit in Padmasana Take both hands to the back and hold the right wrist with left hand. Start to exhale the air and bend to take the forehead forward as shown in the figure for 15 seconds. Then lift the body up by inhaling the air. It is good to practice this aasana for 3-5 times a day. By regular practice, we will be able to touch the ground with Nose and Forehead.


It cures cramps in spinal cord. Body gets younger. Spinal nerves and Thigh nerves gets strengthened. It increases the vivacity and health of the individual. Appendicitis at the early stage can be cured by performing this aaasana without performing any operations. It removes constipation and raises Kundalini Sakthi in our body.

Padma Ujjayi


To perform this aasana, one has to sit in Padmasana. Lift both hands and join them. Twist the hands such that the palms face upwards. Close the mouth and exhale the air with a deep sound. One can repeat this aasana for 10-15 times a day.

During this aasana, Lungs expand and Body gets refreshed. Exhalation should happen such that air comes out from the bottom of the stomach.


It helps in Aasthma, Sinus related disorders, one-sided headache, eye ailments and hearing impairments. Body gets refreshed and individuals get a positive aspect in life. It strengthens Heart. It reduces hair fall for females and hair growth occurs.

Padma Kona Ujjayi


To perform this aasana, one has to sit in Padmasana. Lift both hands and join them. Twist the hands such that the palms face upwards. Now turn the shoulders towards right to the maximum. Close the mouth and exhale the air with a deep sound. Stay in this posture for 10 breaths. Then relax and repeat the same by turning towards left.


Tejas occurs in face. It cures spinal pain and also strengthens Heart.



To perform this Aasana, one has to take the chair position by stretching both hands as as shown in figure. Then relax by taking two breathe. Repeat this for 3-5 times. Those who(especially the aged) are not able to perform this can take the support of wall at beginning stage.


Heart, Thigh, Hip, Knees and Carpal legs gets strengthened. Repeating this for 5 times is equal to walking for 3 Kms. It stimulates and refreshes the body towards a positive note that leads to winning aspects of life. It also adds beauty to the individual.

Thuvipaada Peedasanam


Lie on the floor by facing upwards. Bend the two legs to the knee level and stretch the hands over the head as shown in figure. Hold your breathe and lift your Chest and Hip as shown in figure. Now breathe normally. Stay in this position for 20 counts then relax by returning to the normal position. Repeat this for 3-5 times a day


It removes Constupation and sleeplessness. It strengthens Heart and legs. It refreshes brain and removes Thyroid disorders. This aasana is a boon to females. It keeps the chest muscle intact and protect from Aging phenomenon.

Artha Haalasanam


Lift two legs by inhaling the air and reach the position as shown in figure. Then, exhale the air by staying in this position for 20 counts. Now, take the legs to the normal position by inhaling the air.


It strengthens the following organs- Stomach, Chest, Neck and Thigh . It removes the fat muscles in thigh. It strengthens Heart and Legs. Stomach related disease can be cured by this aasana

Aega Uthana Paathasanam


One has to lie on the floor, rest the left leg on the floor and right leg is being lifted to 1 Foot height. We have to stay in this position for 20 counts. This has to be repeated with the left leg. The entire cycle has to be done four times a day.

Aega Patha Aasanam


To perform this aasana, we have to first stand in one leg and rest the other foot on the thigh. Lift both hands and join the palms of hands together in a straight manner. Then we have to inhale the breath and try to balance our body mass on our heels. Try to stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. This can be repeated by changing the legs for 5 minutes.


Nerve disorder, Knee Arthritis, Rheumatism will get cured. Blood flow to the heart and hands will get regulated and keeps the body and mind active.

Padma KabalaPaathi


Exhaling and Inhaling Air should have different sounds. Exhaling air is called Ujjayi. At first you must have difficulties in performing this. When practiced under trainer/Guru, we can do this easily. Kabalam means ‘Skull’. Head will get lightened by this Aasana.


Head related disorders can be cured. The benefits of Padma ujjayi can also be included for this Aasana.



In a bedspread, place pillows one above the other. Hold the pillows tightly to the head direction as the pillows will slip when we rest our hip. Then slowly lift your legs to 90 degrees. One has to stay in this position for 100 counts. Then return to normal position. 2 cycles a day is best to achieve good results.

Note :

Beginners can do one cycle for 15 days and then gradually increase to 2 cycle for the next days. But it is better to consult a trainer/Guru before doing this Aasana.


All the benefits of Sarvanga Aasana includes for this Aasana.



Initially, we have to lie on the floor. Inhale the air and lift both your legs over your head and touch the floor as shown in figure. Now breathe normally. Stay in this position for 1 minute. This cycle can be repeated for 10 times a day. At first, legs touching the floor will be difficult. Regular practice would make them easy.


It cures Nerve Disorders. Prevents Neck diseases and also Ear, Nose and Tongue related diseases. Strenghten the legs. Regulates Thyroid hormone and keeps body young. It also cures sperm related disease.



This aasana could be done in a yoga mat for better results. At first one leg has to be bend such that our body weight rest on the heel and the body should be staright to the shoulders. Now do the same with the other leg. Place your hands on the thigh. At this position, we can learn Yoga. At first, knees and thigh will get more pain but on regular practice could do this with ease.


It strengthens body and mind like a diamond. It strengthen the knees and also shapes the lower part of the leg. Muscles and joints of the leg will also get flexible than earlier.



As shown in image, fold the two legs and hold the ankles with your hand by exhaling the air. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Then retrun to normal position and breathe normally. Repeat this for 5 times. Once we get familiar, we can start oscillating like a pendulum with our head, neck, chest and thigh untouched on the ground.


It regulates blood flow. It also regulates Intestine, Pancreas and Kidney to function normally. It also protects female from menstrual diseases.



Lie on the floor. Bring the two hands over the head and make it face towards leg as shown in Image. Hold the heels together. Hold your breathe and lift your body. It needs utmost practice to do as in the image and also requires a Trainer/Guru to assist you

Once you lift the lift, you can breathe normally. We can stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Then return to normal position by slowly bringing the body down. We can do this after taking some rest. After regular practice, pone will be able to stay for 1-3 mins.


Sirasaanam, Sarvaanga aasanam, Macchasanam, Bujangasanam, Dhanurasanam, Pathahastaanam benefits can be achieved through this single aasana.

Note: After regular practice of first stage Aasana, we can move to second stage.